Saturday, October 23, 2010

Da Troubles...

So I was just exiled today...i'm so irritated right now!  The cause: Caligula.  He kicked me out on the reason of  a adultry with his sister Julia.  She was fiiiiiiiiine.  She was like another Venus on Earth!  But don't strike me down Venus I love you too.   But is that really a reason to kick someone someone out of a town? I mean come on!  During my exile, I think I'm going to continue with my studies.  Maybe even write a  book. Perhaps I'll call it the Consolations.  ;) <3 <3 Seneca

PS I've had four wives so don't be too concerned =P

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Seneca. I hate you. The only reason I didn't have you killed was because I figured you would die naturally soon enough. So here's hoping you'll die!

